Last year brought us into some very unprecedented times. Despite all the difficult challenges our church has had to face, we have learnt a lot and are looking forward to the future with God. This year we are excited to see what God has planned for our church.

Starting January 23 we will be kicking off our two services at 9 am and 11 am. The 9 am Group includes a Bible Study time, fellowship and worship. The 11 am Family Church is a place for all ages and is for adults and children alike to discover the Bible together.

If you haven’t been to church before or for a long time we would love to see you there. Make sure you follow COVID safe rules while with us and please be assured that we follow a COVID safe plan for your well being.

Cooroy Adventist Church is a church located at Noosa Christian College. By building strong families, mentoring young people and caring for the community, we want to be an inclusive community that lead people to Jesus.